Monday, October 24, 2011

Dear Luke Brean Trademark Attorney Portland Oregon

Dear Luke Brean Trademark Attorney Portland Oregon,

Thank you for clogging my inbox with more unsolicited email that I did not OPT-IN to receive... It's cute but annoying. Do you know how many emails I get from attorneys advertising legal services to assist with my Office Actions? A butt load!! You really shouldn't be sending these annoying emails.... It just frustrates people like myself.


Mr. IHateSpammers

P.S. I attached a screen shot of the email for everyone to see (CLICK TO ENLARGE).

Anyone else want to complain? You can contact them here:

Luke Brean
BreanLaw, LLC.
P.O. Box 4120
Portland, Oregon 97208

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I continue to get spam from them on a weekly basis.
